Set- bestaande uit zadeldek, 2x bandages en vliegenoren

5121 St.Radegund, Austria directions
remove_red_eye 0076
people 5
40,00 OBO
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Felix Bühler Dressage Pads

Cut All Purpose
Size Warmblood (L/Full)
Colour  Purple
Condition Used - Like New
Shipping Possible
Set- bestaande uit zadeldek, 2x bandages en vliegenoren - Ik verkoop de hele set.
Zelden gebruikt en in zeer goede staat. Pas gewassen.
PayPal logo accepted.
ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way

AnjaFlag AT

5121 St.Radegund, Austria directions

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checklist_rtlBillyRiderAD-ID: 229552
Last update: 9/25/2024
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